Sunday, January 9, 2011

A Saturday of Sledding

On Saturday, we took Sam and Kelsie to go sledding with their cousins. This was their second time going sledding...ever. My girls are snow-loving kiddos. I frequently have to ask Sam to stop eating snow. She just loves the stuff. Now, Sam has always been a little hesitant to try things that require much bravery, but she has really taken to sledding. She'll grab a sled and be down the hill before I can even ask her if she's ready. And then there's Kelsie. She is way worse. At one point, Matt set down the sled at the top of the hill while he went to check on our niece. As soon as Kelsie saw a vacant sled in "starting position", she was on it and starting to gather momentum down the slope. Fortunately, I managed to dive and grab the sled (sacrificing my knees in the process). Matt and his oldest nephew had the idea to build a jump on the hill, which led to a few runs where we got some air. A fun day, and not nearly as cold as the 4 degrees the previous weekend with the Provo cousins.

Sam with Hailey at the top of the hill

Kelsie going down the hill with Mommy

Saying "cheeeeese!" for Aunt Carrie

Sledding in the Superman hands...she's flying!

Kelsie going down the hill all by herself

And loving it!

Mommy and the girls all ready to go

Matt getting some sweet air over the jump

1 comment:

Linda Nimer said...

Looks like you were all having a great time. It almost makes me wish I was there. Hope you had big cups of HOT cocoa when you were done next to a blazing fire.