Matt gets to spend one evening a week supervising the young men's activities at church. Last week, they planned a "glow in the dark game night". They were going to play glow volleyball and generally run around in the dark wearing glowing bracelets. Apparently, when the activity ended, all the kids started giving Matt their glow sticks, because he came home with a pocket full of multi-colored bracelets and necklaces. Sam was grinning as her daddy handed her one after another, extracting them from his pocket like some sort of magician with a bottomless hat. We spent the next hour playing with them, spelling out pur names and making shapes in the air.
Hey! I had fun.
CUTENESS!!! Too fun!!
Where's Gina? Haha. Hey, I tagged you in my blog so I want to hear about your quirks. So... do it. Can't wait to see you, hopefully soon.
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