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Kelsie Madison
It's Another Girl!

We were expecting a second daughter by August 13th, but had to wait a few extra days or her to get here. After unexpectedly going into labor after a routine appointment, we welcomed "Baby Girl" on Tuesday, August 19th, 2008. She was 7 pounds, 5 ounces and 19 inches in length. She had lots of dark hair. We know that we had 9 whole months to prepare and to choose a name, but hadn't decided on a name for her by the time she was born. Not wanting to be pressured into choosing a name before we were ready, we opted to leave the hospital without a name for her. We bounced around a few ideas over the course of a month, finally narrowing it down to three, then two, then one name. We decided to sleep on the name, then woke up with a completely different
name: Kelsie Madison. And that's what we're calling her. Matt wanted to be able to name her after his grandmother, Elsie, so we put a K in front of it to make Kelsie. Interestingly enough, by changing the spelling of Kelsie from the more conventional -ey ending, it changed the meaning of the name from "from Ceol's island" to "chalk landing place". Not a very exciting meaning to her name, so we'll just tell her she was named after her grandmother instead. Madison, though, means "son of Matthew". Not a boy, but we liked it. All in all, she cute and we think her name is, too. I guess we'll keep her.
Sam is quite fond of her baby sister. We frequently hear her pronouncing in a sing-song, high pitched voice, "My baby sister is so cute!" She loves to cuddle with her and help in any way she can with the baby. She
helps get new diapers and changing supplies and will
run upstairs to retrieve new clothes or blankets for baby sister. Sometimes, it seems like Sam forgets that she is not a baby anymore. She is terribly fascinated with all of the baby toys and clothes, insisting that when she is a baby, she will wear those clothes or play with that toy. She seems a but hazy on the idea of growing older and bigger, not younger and smaller.
We are thrilled to have two, beautiful daughters and for all the unexpected surprises they seem eager to share.

I just checked the other day to see if you had posted anything yet and was disappointed, but I'm pleased as punch to see not one... but 2 new posts. Little blogging family. So cute. Miss you guys, and hope to see you soon.
LOVE LOVE LOVE that you're blogging! We'll have to come visit soon and maybe do a group trip to the Aquarium!!!
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