This morning, we loaded up the car and drove over to Watsonville to visit a berry farm. We went to Gizdich Ranch to pick strawberries and olallieberries (kind of like a blackberry). The girls had alot of fun. Kelsie preferred picking the strawberries and Sam was really good with the olallieberries. Kelsie wanted to pick everything that was even a little bit reddish, so I got to chase after her and refocus her on riper fruit. Sam would race ahead and come jogging back to show us the great berries she picked. Everything got added to the box and we brought home about 7 pounds of fruit. We enjoyed ourselves and we bought an olallieberry pie to bring home with us from their pie shop. Looking forward to trying it tomorrow.
On our way home from Watsonville, we stopped by Gilroy Gardens to get further use from our season passes. The girls (mostly Sam) were very excited about playing in the water splashing area. Last time we were there, we didn't have swimming suits for the girls, so Sam didn't get to try out the water slide they have there. This time, we were prepared. Sam was getting wet and cruising down the waterslide, but Kelsie decided to be water-phobic and just hung out with me.

One of these things is not like the other: Sam is getting wet and Kelsie is trying to get the camera from me. She really wanted it. Imagine the following conversation (which really was imagined, because she is not nearly this articilulate): 1.) "Mommy, could I please hold the camera?" she asked while cozying up to her mother. "No sweetheart, it's not for you," mom replied. 2.) "But Mommy, I
need it!", Kelsie begged while reaching to grab the camera. "Sorry sweetie, I'm using it right now." 3.) "Aaaahhh! Give me the camera!" she screamed persuasively. "Fine. Here," Mom resigned. 4.) "Thank you mommy! Was that so hard?"