We visited both Disneyland and California Adventure Park. Sam loved the carousels and the flying Dumbo ride. If you ask her what her favorite was, she will tell you her favorite was the Pirates ride. She will tell you how we went down the water slide on the boat and laughed at the silly pirates. She will even move her arm from side to side at the elbow as she sings "Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me!" (Immediately after the actual ride had ended, however, she was very clearly a little relieved the ride was over.) Our favorite part of the park with Sam was in California Adventure Park in the "Bug's Life" area. There were fountains that would randomly spray out of the ground and "jump" from place to place. Sam was fearless as she ran around trying to catch the water and play. Suddenly, we noticed that there was water dripping off of her, but no water spraying her. In her excitement, she had forgotten all about the potty. We then encouraged her to wash off her bum to get the pee-pee off. It was hilarious to see her identify a place where water was spraying and back up toward it with her backside sticking out. Inevitably, just as her bum would make contact with the water, the spray would shut off and she'd have to redirect her soggy pants somewhere else. Funny!
Before we left southern California, we had to seize upon the chance to visit the beach with the girls. Sam had never been to a beach and was very excited about it. As soon as we got to Huntington beach, she wanted to run through the sand. She loved digging for crabs and seashells and chasing the waves back to the sea and running back up the shore when more came rolling in. It was a quick trip, but she soaked it all up--all the way to her waist.

As for Kelsie's enjoyment of the trip south, well, she slept a lot and seemed intrigued by all the people in the theme park. She did wake up when we got to the beach, but wasn't feeling up to getting her feet wet...yet.